Welcome to the Wizzy Ideas Digital Membership Service - Privacy Policy

digital membership card for clubs iphone android

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Wizzy Memberships Service

This service is available for use in the UK only.

The Wizzy Memberships Service - Privacy Policy

This app requires you to login to the service to retrieve your Club Membership details, your username and password will be supplied to you when you join a club that uses this service. When you login the date and time of your login is recorded in the backend database, no other details are recorded at that time (including location).

Other information you might supply to your club as part of the join process might also be stored in the backend database.

We do not supply your details to anyone except as required by law with a Warrant or RIPA.

Service Disclaimer

This service has no uptime guarantee, obviously a lot depends on what the Cell Phone signal is like on site :-) We receommend you download your club membership cards to your device(s) before you go to the event, remember the 7 P's.
Errors and Omissions Excepted